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Task a

Task b(i)

Task b(ii)

Task c(i)

Task c(ii)

Task c(iii)

Task d

Task e

Task f

Task g

task g  
Task description from OCR:
Produce an evaluation of your ICT solution to the given brief.
Once you have completed the project, you will need to report on how well the project ran, what were its strengths and weaknesses and how well you worked with others. Your report should also suggest improvements to the project. You should collect feedback from users in order to allow you to make informed comments about your project and the role that you played.
This task evaluates the final product produced in response to the brief. At all levels this must relate to the needs of the end user. To reach mark band 3, user feedback must be gathered and used as source material for the evaluation. The following questions exemplify the type of evidence required at each mark band. Student’s spelling, punctuation and grammar are assessed through this task and these aspects must be taken into account when awarding marks. For example, an evaluation that meets all aspects of mark band 3 but which is poorly structured and which contains a number of SPAG errors should most likely be awarded a mark at the top of mark band 2 or possibly the bottom of mark band 3.

Mark band 1

How well did your solution meet the user’s needs?
Are there any improvements that could be made?

Mark band 2

How well did your solution meet the user’s needs?
Are there any improvements that could be made?
What worked well?What did / did not meet the user’s needs?

Mark band 3

How well did your solution meet the user’s needs?
Are there any improvements that could be made?
What worked well?What did / did not meet the user’s needs?
What did the user say about your solution?
(There is no need to provide evidence of improvements in response to the user’s feedback at the end)


Exemplar work:
Candidate NH (spradsheets) uses the structure that has been suggested in the support documents produced by OCR. There is a clear attempt to look at the product as a response to user needs. The candidate has produced an extensive report that links the user needs to the work completed. Currently, the work is worthy of a mark in the middle of mark band 3. For maximum marks, the candidate needed to include more commentary in the final section on how the product would need to be improved in the future. 13/15
Candidate AA (websites) 6/15
Candidate LD’s (publishing) 7/15

You comment on the effectiveness of your solution in relation to user needs, suggesting improvements; your report may contain errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. You provide a critical analysis of your solution in relation to user needs, identifying strengths and weaknesses; your report contains few errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. You provide a critical analysis of your solution, identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to refine the solution, taking account of user feedback; your report is consistently well-structured and there are few, if any spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
Candidates produce a report on the final product and suggest improvements that may be made if the were project to run again candidates produce a report on the final product, identifying how the final product meets/does not meet the user requirements; candidates suggest some improvements to the final product if the project were to run again candidates produce a report on the final product, identifying how the final product meets/does not meet the user requirements; candidates identify all user feedback and they explain how the feedback has led them to make changes to their final product; this analysis is used to inform the overall assessment of the project and to suggest enhancements to their skills if the project were to run again; candidates explain how these improvements would help a future project