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Task a

Task b(i)

Task b(ii)

Task c(i)

Task c(ii)

Task c(iii)

Task d

Task e

Task f

Task g

task a  
Task description from OCR:

Produce a report into current working practice:
Before you plan the structure and content of your project you will need to carry out some research into working practices within the organisation. This research should enable you to plan a solution that works smoothly and with minimum disruption.
You need to find out:
- what happens now (best practice)
- the best of what happens elsewhere.
At mark band 1, students will be able to say ‘this is what we do now’. At mark band 2, students will be able to say ‘this is what we do now and these are some of the things that could be improved’. At mark band 3, students will be able to say ‘this is what we do now (in detail) and these are virtually all the issues / problems that I need to improve / find solutions for’.


Take notes on the presentation given by your teacher on current working practices with regard to selecting a formal comittee. Use these notes and your own research to prepare a report which should cover the following areas:
1. Current working practice
2. Problems with current practice
3. Best practice elsewhere
4. Solutions, possible issues and how you might overcome them


Exemplar work:
Candidate VE (spreadsheets) has produced a well presented report on current working practices that describes what is going on currently, as well as highlighting just about all issues of which account needs to be taken as the project is developed. This gives the candidate a sound grounding from which to develop their work. The lower mark in mark band 3 is appropriate for this work. To achieve 6 marks, a little more detail would be required. 5/6
Candidate NH (spreadsheets) has produced a very well structured report into current working practices. This clearly identifies issues for consideration and solutions. There is sufficient detail here for maximum marks.NB This candidate also considers other issues to do with planning the event but has included issues related to developing the spreadsheet. 6/6
You describe the current working practices; there will be no consideration of what needs to be taken in to account. You describe the current working practices and highlight some issues which need to be taken account of when implementing the project. You produce a report which fully evaluates the current working practices and discusses all issues to be taken in to account of when implementing the project.
Candidates produce a report that describes the current working practices that apply to the project in the organisation with which they are working; candidates produce a report which highlights a range of issues that need to be taken account of when planning and implementing the project; the report needs to give some clear indication of the issues involved and needs to be useful in preparing a project plan, but will not cover all of the issues that a more thorough piece of research would have highlighted; candidates produce a report which is fully researched and presented; any reader is able to get a clear grasp of all the issues that need to be addressed when planning and implementing the project.