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Task a

Task b(i)

Task b(ii)

Task c(i)

Task c(ii)

Task c(iii)

Task d

Task e

Task f

Task g

task b(i)  
Task description from OCR:
Produce a project management plan will help you to organise your time efficiently. As a guide, the minimum
requirements for the project management plan should include:
• key dates, deadlines and timescales
• how work may be managed in small sections or tasks
• organisation of information and resources
• time for reviews and modifications
• time for evaluation.

For your planning you will need to think about all the steps needed to make a website and to test and evaluate it. These links might be of use..
Dreamweaver Planning Support
Website Tips (pay particular attention to the Planning Your Website Section)
Web Developer Resources (some great links to free software; e.g. make you own hyplerlink buttons)


This task requires students to plan how they will carry out the project to meet the brief. There must be clear evidence of planning before the project starts. There are two parts to this task.
Task b(i) relates to the techniques used. These may include simple techniques such as mind mapping, action plans or timelines as well as more formal techniques such as Gantt charts, critical path analysis or Pert charts.
At mark band 1, students will not associate timings to the tasks they identify. They may simply provide a mind map or a bulleted list of the tasks they need to carry out.
At mark band 2, students will apply timings to these tasks so that they can set measurable targets. At the bottom end of the mark range this may be a timeline or action plan in table format. To gain higher marks candidates will need to use one of the formal techniques mentioned above.
At mark band 3, students will need to use two techniques, each of which meets the mark band 2 requirements. They will show a high level of skill and accuracy by showing clear evidence of working out timings for the project tasks and sub-tasks.

  • It is expected that your plan will not necessarily be followed exactly. For example you may not have allowed enough time for some elements of your project
  • Any part of your plan which turned out to be inaccurate will provide useful material for your evaluation in task e
  • For task b(i) you should complete a critical path analysis and a gantt chart
  • The different elements of your plan should be set out against time and should be specfic (use actual dates) rather than general (week 1, week 2)


Exemplar work:
Candidate NH (spreadsheets) has produced an excellent Gantt chart and critical path analysis (CPA). Both deal with the flow of tasks in logical blocks, such as days, rather than weeks. Maximum marks can be awarded for task bi. 8/8
Candidate LD (publishing) has also shown good use of planning and achieved well in task bi for their use of Gantt and CPA. 7/8
You use simple techniques in planning your project. You use formal project-management techniques in planning your project with a reasonable level of accuracy and skill. You use at least two formal project- management techniques with a high level of skill and accuracy in planning your project.
Candidates use any form of organised approach to planning the project candidates use any recognised management planning tool to plan the project candidates use at least two different formal management techniques to plan the project